- казанская сирота
- • КАЗАНСКАЯ <-ий> СИРОТА coll, rather derog[NP; usu. sing]=====⇒ a person who pretends to be unhappy, helpless, offended etc in order to gain s.o.'s compassion:- sympathy seeker;|| X прикидывается казанской сиротой <X строит из себя казанскую сироту> ≈ X is moaning and groaning about his fate;- X is playing on s.o.'s sympathies <feelings>;- X is making himself out to be a pitiful thing <a poor soul>;- X is playing the beggar <the victim>.♦ [author's usage] [Войницев:] Не к лицу вам, милостивый государь, мой бывший друг, это казанское сиротство! Я понимаю вас! Вы ловкий подлец! Вот кто вы! (Чехов 1). [V.:] It doesn't suit you at all, my dear sir, my ex-friend, to try to play on our feelings. I can see through you. A cunning scoundrel, that's what you are! (1a).—————← Initially referred to Tartar princes who, after the subjugation of Kazan (capital of the Tartar empire) by Ivan the Terrible in 1552, tried to get more concessions and gratuities by moving the tsar to pity when they appeared at his court.
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.